Rimowa Electronic Tag

The world of luggage is particularly inclined to closely follow technological innovations: in addition to providing pockets and compartments specially designed to keep hi-tech everyday accessories, that grow year after year, the industry dedicates more and more innovative materials also in the production of luggage, with an eye on tech innovation in terms of services offered by the same suitcases.
Among the hi-tech revolutions of luggage world stands Rimowa Electronic Tag, a proper tool conceived to shorten the long waiting times at the airport. The German company, symbol of luxury all around the world, devoted to his customers a new way to live travel procedures, limiting inconveniences that may arise in the pre-boarding time.
The Electronic Tag is a device placed at the side of the luggage, created to replace the label that usually is affixed to the baggage handle during the boarding procedures at the check-in counter: using this device connected to an app on the smartphone, it is possible to check-in in any place, and send directly to the suitcase the boarding data, which are printed on the E-Tag screen using a particular e-ink that remains on the monitor without consuming energy.
The Electronic Tag has three kind of advantages: saving time on the check-in line, allowing the traveler to leave the luggage directly to the conveyor belt, the absence of paper labels, a good achievement for the environment.
With the E-Tag Rimowa, that has a leading position in luggage field, conquering luxury luggage lovers not only with the design, functionality and quality of materials, but also with the ability to enhance the experience of traveling with a real service connected to the airport and travel companies procedures.