Wushu Ruyi: from the martial arts to the street style

At the first sight they might seem the classical sneakers, but the Wushu Ruyi footwear has a much more complex story: actually it is about shoes dedicated to the Wush discipline, a martial art that is said to be the ancestor of all the other ones.
Despite the connection to the Orient, the brand Wushu Ruyi is completely Italian and connected to the story of the Lorini brothers, champions and masters of the Wushu martial art. After their participation at the most prestigious international championships and the winnings of important medals, in 1985 Walter and Paolo decid to create specific shoes for this discipline. During an outdoor training in China in the Tiantian Park, the two brothers realize, that there are no shoes existing, that fit to the Wushu training on the outside. They need extra light footwear able to maintain the foots sensibility, which is necessary for the kicks during a combat.
From the conception to the realization it is a simple step, and soon the Lorini brothers start to produce this light shoes with an extra thin sole, accompanied by a distinctive characteristic: the RU YI, an antique Chinese symbol which means luck, happiness and deep desires from the heart. Today the shoes from Wushu Ruyi, whose name now is not even more a secret for us, are diffused in the whole world and represent a real icon of style, beside of the fact that they fit perfectly for a sportive usage.
Available in suede leather and fabric, the sneakers from Wushu Ruyi are distinguished by their popular but never exaggerated style, while playing with the combination of structures with suede leather and fabric together with different colors, while the brand combines classical shades like black and white, but also more conspicuous colors like red, yellow, bright blue and green.
Light and flexible, the Wushu Ruyi footwear is dedicated to the lovers of sport and martial arts, but also for those who love to stay outside while wearing comfortable and nice shoes.