“Itinerary change” for Ryanair: from November second carry-on luggage with costs

Another itinerary change for the low cost airline Ryanair, who turns inside out the carry-on luggage policy.
With the aim to accelerate the boarding procedures of the passengers, the Irish airline company decided to introduce from November on the obligatory payment of an amount of 8 to 10 euro for the second hand luggage, to be put in the cargo area.
Until today, who traveled with Ryanair had the possibility to bring two carry-on items for free, thus a bag and a suitcase, while the latter often was directly put by the staff in the airplane’s cargo area, without additional costs. For the flights scheduled from November on instead, who travels with a bag and a carry-on suitcase has to pay 8 euro of hand luggage supplement (which will be stored on the planes cargo area) directly at the moment of the ticket’s purchase, or instead 10 euro afterwards: as an alternative remains always the purchase of the priority boarding at the price of 6 euro, with which it will we further on possible to bring both the bag and the carry-on luggage on the plane.
Talking about dimensions which for Ryanair are always important, in future one can bring in the airplane’s cabin a bag of 40x20x25 cm, while the carry-on luggage of 40x55x20 cm has to be put in the cargo area at the cost of 8-10 euro, and instead the disposition of medium or large sized luggage remains 25 euro.
Ryanair thus again calls for attention with its particular policy regarding the hand luggage, which always leaves the travelers doubtful and surprised: while until some years ago one had to travel with only one carry-on luggage (and everyone will remember the struggle to have to squeeze the hand bag on the inside of the carry-on suitcase), following the airline company adapted to the low cost trend and allowed the transport of a bag and a trolley of 55 cm.
Recently it often happened at the moment of the boarding, that one had to hand the trolley to the airline’s staff to be placed in the cargo area, an always more frequent trend, that reached its climax with the decision to place the luggage in the cargo area first for free, and now with costs.
The company justifies the decision by claiming that in this way the boarding procedures of the passengers will be done in less time, to minimize by doing so the delays, a valid reason for Ryanair. The representatives of the press furthermore emphasized, that for 60% of the passengers the itinerary change for the carry-on luggage will be irrelevant, due to the possibility to purchase priority boarding, the possibility to not have to search a place in the hat rack of a fully booked airplane, and the eventuality to leave and arrive at the destination on time.