New York, London, Rome, Milan and Paris: ready to go? YNot?

Today we want to talk about trips, magic cities and history. We want to bring you to a world in some ways unreal, but at the same time it really existed on the legs and on the shoulders of phenomenal women: the greatest solitary travelers in history. So backpacker, the adventure begins.
Anne Smith-Peck (1850-1935) had no other passion in life than mountaineering, which is why in 1908 she abandoned the work of archaeologist and teacher of Latin, climbed Mount Huascarán in Peru. From then on she never stopped, until she was 84 years old (we are in the early 1900’s) when she made her last trip to the Acropolis of Athens and then died of bronchopneumonia in New York.
Freya Stark (1893 – 1993) was a British explorer and essayist, was the first western woman to travel alone on her own in the Arabian Desert and explore Western Iran regions where no other European, man or woman, had set foot before then. She was the author of more than thirty books concerning her travels around the world leaving an indelible mark throughout the emancipation path of the female genre.
Laura Dekker (1995-), instead, is the youngest of all solitary travelers in history. She is an experienced sailor, having been a sailboat child with his parents for 7 years. At the age of 15, Laura started to realize her dream: circumnavigating the world alone and without stopping, trip that ended in 2012.
It is to all those brave women who want to leave a piece of their heart in the most diverse parts of the world that inspired Ynot?, a young, fresh and dynamic brand that use the travel theme and the world and its most fascinating facets as its trademark.
New York, London, Rome, Milan and Paris are the views from which the brand draws inspiration, because with a YNot? bag it seems to be there, to be right under the skyscrapers of a Manhattan illuminated or in front of one of the monuments that most represents Italy in the world: the Colosseum; or again, hand in hand with the love of your life in front of Notre Dame, or admiring the lights that illuminate the London Eye and reflect like a mirror on the Thames.
This is Ynot ?, a brand that makes us dream and that allows us to travel even if only with thought.
Ready to go? Why not ?!
(Special thanks goes to the blog #viaggiodasolaperché for the precious information on the greatest solo women travellers in history)