Ismail, Anya and Chiara, the faces of the campaign SS18 Scalia Group

On a Turkish caique long the cost of Sferracavallo (Palermo, Sicily) on April 19th took place the photo shooting of the publicity campaign for spring-summer from Scalia Group, coordinated by the artistic director Luca Lo Bosco. In contrast to the past photo shootings, this time the models that lent their faces are three, three young persons connected by their passion for the fashion, but at the same time really different from each other.
Their origins, indeed, are completely different: despite their young age, the ways that they followed to reach this profession were completely different and sometimes also rough, but each one has found its realization and dreams to proceed in this sector.
We will start with the male face of the photo shooting, Ismail, who comes from afar, precisely from Gambia. With only 15 years he crossed five countries, while working occasionally on the fields to earn money for his trip, until he reached Libya and embarked on a rubber boat to arrive in Italy. After a long journey, exhausted and hungry, Ismail was well received by the community of Termini Imerese, where he lives now between his fashion shows.
The career as a model started as though by chance, he affirms that this profession in Gambia doesn’t exist and that at the beginning he felt insecure when someone told him, that he should start this career, also because he didn’t even know what this profession was about. Also in this case the friends played a fundamental role, when they exposed him to Luca Lo Bosco. With the prospective of a career in the fashion world within an important international agency at Milan, Ismail now is following another of his dreams, the cuisine, with the aim to become a cook.
Chiara, a Sicilian girl of 21 years, approached to the fashion world only for a short time, after an artistic education and the continuation of her studies at the art academy. This background developed inside her a particular taste for the world of fashion and beauty, that drove her to a career that started recently, but is already promising.
The other feminine face, Anya, from Russian parents and born in the Ukraine, arrived in Sicily at the age of 11. Soon she felt at home, also thanks to a lot of friends that among other things introduced her to the fashion world by subscribing her to a beauty contest. From this moment on her career started and she participated at the most important photo shoots and fashion shows organized by Luca Lo Bosco, also in collaboration with Scalia Group like in the case of the Airport Fashion Shop and the Viale Libertà Fashion Show.
Different origins, the will to work and the talent characterize this three faces of the publicity campaign from Scalia Group, whose international inspiration is not limited on the brands of world wide importance, but also based on professionals from all over the world. By this the company marks its dynamic character and constant transformation, while always maintaining its origins and virtues.