Carry-on luggage? Just send it to the destination

News about the hand luggage! For those who don’t love to follow the different policies of dimensions and wight of the carry-on luggage of the low cost airlines, there now also upcoming new positive realities and ideas, which benefit from the insecurity about the luggage’s embarking and make if to their strength. They are already existing for some years, but only for a short time everyone is talking about them: new startups, which make it their task to ship the passenger’s luggage directly to the destination, preventing in this way to have to bring with them the suitcase to the airport and to have to respect the policies of airport and airlines.
This startups consign the parcels to transport companies who travel on wheels, and thus don’t have particular prescriptions for volume, while at the same time offer beneficial prices compared to those of the luggage costs of the airlines. Furthermore they point on the higher comfort, when one doesn’t have to think about the suitcase while traveling. This is for example the case of Bag Express, whose philosophy is the “handsfree” journey: the website promises indeed to ship luggage until a weight of 40 kg to beneficial prices, while the client is able to monitor, where his suitcase can be found at the moment, or even to change the destination in case of adding another stage to the journey.
What until now seemed a service only preserved to luxury clients, finally becomes accessible for everyone: in this way we are saying goodbye to the prescriptions of weight, dimensions and limitations of liquids and electronic devices during the security controls at the airport. The price for this service is the same or only a little bit higher compared to those of the airline companies for an embarked luggage, to make this alternative particularly convincing especially for everyone, who doesn’t want to reflect about the chaos created by the different policies of the low cost airlines.
If it is about a short or long journey, everyone can entrust the luggage to this service, by only handling the suitcase some days before the departure, and then directly find it at the destination. A comfortable service, which unavoidably requests a little bit more of organization, but in the end can result as one of the upcoming trends for the next years.