Scalia Group Leader of growth 2020 according to Il Sole 24 ORE

A moment of great professional and personal satisfaction for Scalia Group, a successful company from Palermo in the leather goods and luggage sector, that for the second consecutive year was included in the list of 2020 Leader growth companies, the ranking drawn up by Il Sole 24 ORE and Statista, a global statistical analysis company.
The ranking, drawn up every year by the well-known economic-financial newspaper, rewards the companies that have distinguished themselves in the process of digital innovation and economic growth, identikit in which the Sicilian company, Scalia Group, is reflected and on which it has built its foundations.
As the head of corporate development and international affairs of Statista, Thomas Clark states: “The italian companies are special, they work in traditional environments but with an extra twist, more and more intelligent and innovative, incorporating cutting-edge technologies. And it’s precisely the synergy between these two magical ingredients that creates champions of Made In Italy growth “.
A fundamental and vital combination that represents the strong point of Scalia Group, a leading company managed by the fifth generation of the Scalia family, which today supports the chain of sales outlets, which include four Scalia Bags stores in Sicily, the distribution of Doppler umbrellas in Italy and the e-commerce site in three languages, thanks to which it exports its products to over 100 Countries worldwide.
It’s a story of passion and competence on which Scalia Group is founded, the company active on the market since 1886 that is today a reference point in the territory and not only, thanks to a process of innovation and digitalization that in the recent years has characterized its growth, despite the strong competitiveness that has characterized the markets in the recent years.
What is the secret of a successful company? Embrace global market developments and determine omnichannel strategies in order to optimally and efficiently integrate the “in store” experience with the new “on line” dimension, a crucial and essential combination that today, above all, characterizes the modern commerce, traditional and electronic.